The Role of Nutrigenomics in Personalized Nutrition and Health

Nutrigenomics is an emerging field that explores the interactions between nutrition, genetics, and health. This rapidly developing area of research aims to better understand how an individual’s genetic makeup can influence their response to specific nutrients and dietary patterns, ultimately contributing to personalized nutrition strategies. With advances in genomics and nutrition science, there is growing …


2023: Top Superfoods and Nutritional Tips for Optimal Health

Maintaining a strong immune system is crucial for optimal health, and as we look forward to 2023, investing in our well-being is more important than ever. This comprehensive guide explores the top superfoods and offers valuable nutritional tips to help you boost your immunity and stay healthy. Let’s dive in! 1. Garlic: The Immunity-Boosting Powerhouse …


ashwagandha health benefits and side effects

Ashwagandha: Health benefits and side effects

Ashwgandha herb (scientific name: Withania somnifera) has great effectiveness and significance in traditional ayurvedic practice. The roots and berry are used for medicinal purposes. Ashwagandha is commonly known as Indian ginseng and Indian winter cherry. The Sanskrit meaning of ‘Ashva’ is ‘horse-like’ and ‘gandha’ translates as ‘putrid or smell’. Thus, the name itself depicts the …


benefits of taking vitamins for lung cancer

Benefits of vitamins for lung cancer

Lung cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer. It is responsible for more than quarter of mortality rate in United States. In recent decades, lung cancer is becoming more prevalent. One of the major reasons is smoking and air pollution. Primary treatment strategy for lung cancer is almost the same as for other major …


Folic acid benefits for health and for pregnant women

Folic acid benefits

Folic acid is a vitamin B derivative whose main source is food. In many foods such as leafy green vegetables, folic acid is present as folate which later transforms to folic acid in body. Both folate and folic acid have same functioning in body. Folic acid benefits are numerous and vital especially for pregnant women. …


Heart healthy diets

9 incredible Heart healthy diets

Cardiac disease is one of the major health issues worldwide. The sluggish lifestyle, the quality of food that we eat especially the high fat, junk food, impacts badly on heart health.  Therefore, it’s good to be aware of what’s good for your heart health.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle ensures heart health. One major point of …


brown rice benefits

Brown rice: Health benefits

Rice in the staple food for many regions and are grown primarily all over the world. There is a wide variety of rice available in the market ranging from long grained basmati rice, white rice, brown rice black rice and also glutinous rice. But all are different in terms of their health benefits. If we …


Health benefits of ginger

8 Proven health benefits of ginger

Ginger is native in Asia and is commonly used spice in Asian foods. This is extracted from herbaceous plant zingiber officinale or ginger root. Ginger had great medicinal importance due to its high content of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and anti-cancerous components. The studies show its meticulous effects to prevent cancer and other infectious disease. For treatment …


Nutritional biochemistry and metabolism

Nutritional biochemistry

The branch of science that interprets or explains the relationship of food with the functioning of living system is nutritional biochemistry. Nutrition refers to all kind of nourishment that is helpful for sustainability of life. The study of nutrient requirement and the diet that provides these nutrients is also termed as nutrition. So, the nutrition …


foods for weight loss

10 most effective fat-burning foods

Setting summer body goals is quite easy but achieving these is never so.  In our busy routine life, soem of us may not be able to join a gym or do regular exercise. And foodies like me usually find it difficult to avoid food and to go on proper diet plan. So what other option …


Cherries a must have of balanced diet

8 Health benefits of cherries

Cherry fruit comes from plants of genus prunus and a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). These are of various types such as bright red sour, dark Hudson, rainier  and yellow cherries. As raw fruit, these provide little nutrient content per 100 g serving (nutrient table). Overall, cherries are enriched with dietary fibers and vitamins.  Compared to …


Natural vs. synthetic vitamins sources

Natural Vs. synthetic vitamins

Vitamins are essential to maintain a good health. Our daily diet must have substantial portion of vitamins and minerals. Most of us opt for synthetic vitamin supplements to fulfill their nutritional. However, are the synthetic vitamin supplements worth using and completely safe for consumer’s use? This article may help you all to decide what’s the …


Health benefits of oregano oil

Oregano oil

Oregano oil is extracted from leafs of herbaceous oregano plant. (Scientific name: origanum vulgare). This oil a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, copper. All of these boost up the immune system. Moreover, it has volatile components, caravacrol and thymol which have great anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. …


Few tips to relive flu symptoms

Treating flu at home

Having flu, is no doubt makes us miserable with each of its symptoms from coughing, sneezing and having a clogged nose contribute equally in making it worse. Flu is a respiratory system infection characterized by sneezing, coughing, clogged nose and heavy breathing. This is caused by influenza virus. The virus is contagious and it spreads …


Symptoms of celiac disease

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the cells of small intestine. Its association with other autoimmune diseases and in diabetes mellitus type 2 is also observed. The symptoms are those related to gastrointestinal problems. This disease occurs as permanent intestinal problem in response to reaction of dietary gluten. Human small intestine …
