tumor formation in lung cancer

Lung cancer (Part 1)

Lung cancer is a medical condition in which abnormal cells grow and develop in the lungs, the organs used for breathing. These abnormal cells divide, and the increase in the number of cells leads to growths called tumors. The abnormal cells cause harm to the body as they grow and spread. There are two types …


Bioenergetics- the study of cellular metabolism


Bioenergetics is the scientific study concerned with the flow of energy among organisms at cellular level and is based upon the principles of biochemistry and molecular biology. Energy production in organisms involves certain processes ranging from photosynthesis in plants and that of oxidation metabolism in other organisms like human. Therefore, energy is the essential requirement …


side effects of fairness creams

Fairness creams side effects

‘Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.’ But the cosmetics brands  will tell you something else, setting their own  ‘standard’ of beauty. This is what our society does as mostly people think that fair skin is the standard of being beautiful. If you have brown or dusky skin, everyone will tell you one or two …


uses of industrial enzymes

Industrial enzymes

Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up the biochemical reactions. For living organism, enzymes are of pivotal importance as without them, the biochemical reactions proceed at very slow rate. Likewise, enzymes also used in commercial applications. Industrial enzymes have wide applications in product manufacturing. Industrial applications of enzymes With the advent of sciences and technology, …


nerveagents effects on neurotransmitter

Nerve agents

Nerve agents or nerve gases are actually the dirty dark secret of scientific development and a threat to humanity and peace of world. These are chemicals or gases which affect the central nervous system or specifically neurons. This term applies to all chemicals that affect nervous system by disrupting neurotransmitter molecules.  Gerhard Schrader accidentally formed …
