Heat stroke symptoms and prevention

Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a condition when the body temperature rises more than what it can endure. Overheating usually happens when you have prolonged exposure to sun or doing a strenuous physical activity. To be exact, body temperature more than 104 F which is 40 degree Celsius causes heatstroke. The hypothalamus in our brain can feel …


Global statistics of HIV/AIDS

Top ten countries with HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS is a deadly contagious disease in humans.  HIV refers to Human Immune Deficiency Virus. This HIV virus causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS in humans which is in fact the last stage of viral infection. The patients’ immune system gets weak and unable to fight the infections and pathogens. Consequently, the person dies due …


Medical malpractice

Every profession comes with certain degree of sincerity and responsibility. But the medical profession is something which demands even more care, responsibility and sincerity. Medical malpractice is becoming a global threat and menace. It happens due to negligence and irresponsible behavior of health care providers. Their negligence can bring someone a lifetime of misery and …


Ebola virus symptoms and treatment

Ebola virus

Zaire Ebolavirus or commonly known Ebola virus belongs to genus ebolavirus. It causes severe and fatal Ebola virus disease or Ebola hemorrhagic fever in humans. Primarily, animals spread this virus to humans and later human to human interaction spreads it to others. The average mortality rate is 50%. However, this percentage rose up to 90% …


foods for weight loss

10 most effective fat-burning foods

Setting summer body goals is quite easy but achieving these is never so.  In our busy routine life, soem of us may not be able to join a gym or do regular exercise. And foodies like me usually find it difficult to avoid food and to go on proper diet plan. So what other option …


How to prevent ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is linked with genetic mutations and their inheritance in family. This makes some of us are at more risks of developing ovarian cancer than some others. Studies suggest that BRCA gene mutation is linked to ovarian cancer in young females.(brca-gene)  BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 genes are tumor suppressor genes. Mutation in these …


Cherries a must have of balanced diet

8 Health benefits of cherries

Cherry fruit comes from plants of genus prunus and a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). These are of various types such as bright red sour, dark Hudson, rainier  and yellow cherries. As raw fruit, these provide little nutrient content per 100 g serving (nutrient table). Overall, cherries are enriched with dietary fibers and vitamins.  Compared to …


Significance of autophagy


Autophagy is the controlled digestion and degradation of damaged and old cell and its components. Form the Greek origin, “auto” mean “self” and “phagein” refers to “eat”. In the process, the cell can digest its own components by enclosing them in a membrane forming sac-like vesicles. These are later transported to lysosome. Lysosome  is the …


BRCA gene mutation and links to breast cancer

BRCA gene

Gene is a particular sequence of nucleotide which codes for a protein product. BRCA gene is abbreviation for BReast CAncer gene. BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes have association with developments of breast cancer in humans. Both of BRCA gene prevent cancer development in normal functional state. These are not only tumor suppressor gene but …


Natural vs. synthetic vitamins sources

Natural Vs. synthetic vitamins

Vitamins are essential to maintain a good health. Our daily diet must have substantial portion of vitamins and minerals. Most of us opt for synthetic vitamin supplements to fulfill their nutritional. However, are the synthetic vitamin supplements worth using and completely safe for consumer’s use? This article may help you all to decide what’s the …


Health benefits of oregano oil

Oregano oil

Oregano oil is extracted from leafs of herbaceous oregano plant. (Scientific name: origanum vulgare). This oil a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, copper. All of these boost up the immune system. Moreover, it has volatile components, caravacrol and thymol which have great anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. …


Few tips to relive flu symptoms

Treating flu at home

Having flu, is no doubt makes us miserable with each of its symptoms from coughing, sneezing and having a clogged nose contribute equally in making it worse. Flu is a respiratory system infection characterized by sneezing, coughing, clogged nose and heavy breathing. This is caused by influenza virus. The virus is contagious and it spreads …


Numbness of feet in Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetes can be harmful for nerves and may cause nerve damage. This condition is known as peripheral neuropathy or diabetic neuropathy. Nerves, on the other hand, are specialized form of tissues in brain that conduct messages from brain to other parts of body. Nerves play vital role in nervous coordination which eventually controls and regulate …


Symptoms of celiac disease

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the cells of small intestine. Its association with other autoimmune diseases and in diabetes mellitus type 2 is also observed. The symptoms are those related to gastrointestinal problems. This disease occurs as permanent intestinal problem in response to reaction of dietary gluten. Human small intestine …


Symptoms of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression

Having a baby, being a mother for the first time can trigger and jumble up powerful emotions in women, from joy, excitement to tension. And one more thing, which most of us don’t think that a women can have after having a baby, is postpartum (after delivery) depression (PPD). Most of the time, the women …
